Continuidade Negócio ISO 22301 Foundation – Business Continuity

curso formação Continuidade Negócio ISO 22301 Foundation, exame certificação Continuidade Negócio ISO 22301 Foundation, Business Continuity ISO 22301 Foundation training course, Business Continuity ISO 22301 Foundation certification exam, ISO 22301 Foundation live online training, ISO 22301 Foundation online, ISO 22301 Foundation Portugal, ISO 22301 Foundation Angola, ISO 22301 Foundation Moçambique

Adquira os conhecimentos fundamentais para estabelecer e operar um Sistema de Gestão de Continuidade de Negócios (BCMS) baseado na ISO 22301.


O curso Business Continuity 22301 Foundation é um curso baseado na ISO 22301. O curso segue uma abordagem de estudo de caso onde os participantes são convidados a aplicar os conceitos desta norma ISO, continuidade do negócio, num cenário real.Este curso prepara os participantes para apoiar a implementação e operação de um SGCN baseado na ISO 22301 e fornece os conhecimento fundamentais sobre os conceitos, princípios e melhores práticas de auditoria com base na ISO 19011.

Curso atualizado com as últimas edições lançadas de todas as melhores práticas relacionadas, incluindo qualquer versão preliminar publicada.


Este Plano de Formação e todos os documentos associados estão protegidos por Direitos de Autor e registados como obra literária no IGAC – Portugal.


Próximas DATAS GARANTIDAS (*)      23-Jan-2025,   Inscreva-se       10-Mar-2025,   Inscreva-se       

avaliação do curso     4.8 em 5

curso formação Continuidade Negócio ISO 22301 Foundation, exame certificação Continuidade Negócio ISO 22301 Foundation, Business Continuity ISO 22301 Foundation training course, Business Continuity ISO 22301 Foundation certification exam, ISO 22301 Foundation live online training, ISO 22301 Foundation online, ISO 22301 Foundation Portugal, ISO 22301 Foundation Angola, ISO 22301 Foundation Moçambique


Este curso está disponível no modelo presencial e > Live Online Training <
O Live Online Training traz-lhe o ambiente dinâmico da sala de aula para a sua secretária. Através do seu computador, você interage com o formador e os formandos como se estivesse com eles na sala de aula.
Percurso Business Continuity 22301 Foundation
In this course, the students will acquire the fundamental knowledge to establish and operate a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) based on the ISO 22301 standard.

The course covers the fundamental concepts related with business continuity, an overview clause-by-clause of the ISO 22301 standard with high-level implementation guidance and discussion-based practical examples to implement the requirements of the standard, and best practices for the implementation of the requirements based on ISO 22313, and other applicable business continuity management guidance.

As the students advance through the subjects of course, they will be presented with the main supporting standards of the ISO/IEC 22301 family, this includes, but not only, the guidance for the use of ISO 22301 (ISO 22313), the guidance for business impact analysis (ISO/TS 22317), the guidance for supply chain continuity (ISO/TS 22318), the guidance for business continuity strategy (ISO/TS 22331), the guidance for developing business continuity plans and procedures (ISO/TS 22332) and the guidance for exercises (ISO 22398). These standards provide guidance to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve an ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System.

This course also provides an overview of other non-family and Business Continuity related best practices, legislation, and regulation and, on the last module, it covers an overview of the main concepts, principles, and best practices for auditing an BCMS based on the guidance of ISO 19011.

This course is based on theorical, and practical sessions supported by a real-world adapted case-study.
The course includes hands-on practical and theorical exercises to:
  • better prepare the students for the real-world challenges,
  • to prepare and increase the likelihood of success on the certification exam, and
  • train and prepare professionals for participating in an BCMS implementation program or BCMS audit based on ISO 22301.

Este curso está disponível no modelo presencial e > Live Online Training <
O Live Online Training traz-lhe o ambiente dinâmico da sala de aula para a sua secretária. Através do seu computador, você interage com o formador e os formandos como se estivesse com eles na sala de aula.

This course is intended to:
  • Business Continuity, Information Security and/or IT Consultants, Auditors, Managers or Risk Professionals
  • Any Executive or Senior Manager responsible to ensure the alignment and delivery of value from business continuity management best practices to the organization
  • Professionals responsible for the Business Continuity/IT Governance on the organization
  • Any professional, either, Business Continuity, IT, Information Security, business or any other, involved on the establishment, implementation, operations and/or continual improvement of a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) based on ISO 22301
  • Anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of ISO 22301

Students should understand English as the course documentation is in this language.
Also, other requisites may apply, please check the quotation or the proposal received.

Duração (dias)
2 dias