Information on Privacy and Data Protection

Privacy, Data Protection
The protection of the right to privacy, including personal data, is one of our commitments.

With the entry into force of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), on May 25th 2018, our commitment is reinforced and more transparent to our customers, allowing them to have a greater awareness and control over the personal data provided to BEHAVIOUR® and how they are handled.


Why do we collect and process your data?

BEHAVIOUR collects and processes your data in order to meet the legal, regulatory and statutory requirements associated with the products and services provided, as well as to develop its commercial activities inherent to the provision of products and services.


When do we need your data?

As the controller of the information obtained, BEHAVIOUR uses the data collected for the process of enrolling trainees in training, for the process of registering candidates in the certification exams, for the eligibility process of the candidates for certification, if they are approved in the exam, for the eligibility process of the candidates for recertification and in the marketing process: for the purpose of sending newsletters; commercial management, related to the information received by e-mail, telephone, chat, social networks, website or any other means; for sending new training events with interest previously identified by customers; and sending of new courses, catalogues, calendars and other information inherent to the products and services provided by BEHAVIOUR.

All marketing communications are directed only to the purposes defined above and for which there has been a request for receiving information, whether it was by e-mail, form, website, telephone, social networks among other means independent of training, examination, certification and recertification processes.

Training, exams, certification (including recertification) and marketing processes are independent, and there is no correlation between the data provided by customers for the processing of data within the scope of these processes.


What data do we need?

BEHAVIOUR collects the minimum data required for the purposes identified above.

As the collection of information depends on each purpose, BEHAVIOUR can collect the following data:

  • Full name;
  • Identification Card number;
  • Birth date;
  • Place of birth and nacionality;
  • Contacts (Telephone/mobile phone/e-mail);
  • Qualifications and professional experience;
  • Present Company/Organization and present roles/job;
  • If you have any special needs;
  • Billing data;
  • Requests received from clients (website, e-mail, chat and other means);
  • Information stored through cookies used on the Behaviour website.
  • Data collected and necessary for the pedagogical and evaluation process;
  • Data collected from and necessary for the examination process;
  • Data collected and necessary for the certification process.
  • Data collected and necessary for the recertification process.


What do we do with your data?

The Personal Data of BEHAVIOUR’s clients are handled, stored and protected n a secure way and, when shared with third parties inside or outside the European Union, it is ensured that they comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and present the appropriate technical and organizational measures for the protection of personal data. The data collected by BEHAVIOUR are used only for the purposes of training management, exam management, certification management and recertification management as indicated above. Commercial and marketing management process manages the collected data as an independent process, as it depends on a prior request or an authorisation for that purpose.


How long we keep the data?

All data obtained by BEHAVIOUR are stored only for the period of time necessary to fulfil the purpose set for them, in accordance with the data retention policy. After the period, the data are irreversibly deleted, leaving only the necessary legal and contractual data.


What are your rights?

Client may, at any time, access, rectify, update, delete any personal data provided to BEHAVIOUR through a request by e-mail

If the client wish to make a complaint about how BEHAVIOUR treats their personal data, the client must send an e-mail to Upon receipt of the complaint, BEHAVIOUR will analyse, in accordance with the Complaints Management procedure, and will respond in writing, within a maximum of one month, after receiving the formal complaint.



Avenida Visconde de Valmor, 66 – 4º andar. 1050-242 Lisboa
Tel: +351 212103732 «Call to national fixed network»


Supervisory Authority

CNPD – Comissão Nacional Protecção de Dados
Rua de São Bento n.º 148-3º 1200-821 Lisboa
Tel: +351 213928400

Privacy, Data Protection