
Behaviour Group

Avenida Visconde Valmor, n.º66 – 4º andar
1050-242 Lisboa – Portugal
Tel. +351 212 103 732 «Call to national fixed network»
E-mail. info(at)


Business area
+351 212 103 732 «Call to national fixed network»
Tlm. +351 93 886 35 40 «Call to national mobile network»
WhatsApp. +351 93 886 35 40
E-mail. training(at)


Business area
Tel.+351 212 103 732 «Call to national fixed network»

Pedagogical Coordination

E-mail. training(at)

Communications with the pedagogical coordination are only by e-mail.
We do not provide telephone support, as all educational processes require documented records for each training process and also analysis, as well as confirmation of the company request or the trainee data.


E-mail. exams(at)

Exam schedules are only by e-mail.
We do not provide telephone support, as all schedules require prior review and confirmation of trainee/candidate data.


E-mail. certification(at)

Applications for certification are only by email.
We do not provide telephone support, as all applications require documented records for each process and analysis, as well as confirmation of applicant data.