CCSP Cloud Security Professional training course, CCSP Cloud Security Professional certification exam, CCSP training course, CCSP certification exam, CCSP preparation course, CCSP live online training, CCSP online, CCSP cloud security
Achieve global recognition in the field of cloud security with the Cloud Security Professional (CCSP®) certification preparation course.
The Cloud Security Professional course prepares you for one of the essential certifications for professionals transitioning and maintaining the security of cloud-based solutions and services and who want to improve/update their skills to design, implement, manage, and protect data, applications and infrastructure in the cloud using the most recent security best practices, policies, and procedures. The course prepares Cloud Security Professionals for the performance of the function.
This course addresses the topics of Cloud Concepts, Architecture and Design, Cloud Data Security, Cloud Platform & Infrastructure Security, Cloud Application Security, Cloud Security Operations, Legal, Risk and Compliance, allowing you to acquire knowledge also through discussion, exercises by domain, simulation exam, ensuring your preparation for the CCSP® certification exam.
Resources, themes, discussion, exercises by domain and simulation exam.
Everything to successfully achieve certification.
Program and training materials updated in 2024 and include the latest CCSP CBK contents, effective from August 1, 2022.
This Training Plan and all associated documents are protected by Copyright and registered as a literary work at IGAC – Portugal.
Next GUARANTEED DATES 07-Apr-2025, Register now
CCSP Cloud Security Professional training course, CCSP Cloud Security Professional certification exam, CCSP training course, CCSP certification exam, CCSP preparation course, CCSP live online training, CCSP online, CCSP cloud security